The sacrament of Reconciliation is your child's first experience of God's loving forgiveness. While there must be an awareness of our sins, this sacrament demonstrates the depths of God's mercy in our lives. Our First Reconciliation program is mandated by the Diocese of Scranton as a two year program. First grade students can begin this program either in CCD at Mary, Mother of God Parish or if they attend Catholic school, at school in their religion classes. They will then receive First Reconciliation in second grade.
If a student has not attended Religious Education classes in first grade, he/she will not be able to receive First Reconciliation in second grade. Also, any first grade student who repeats first grade in school MUST repeat first grade in religious education classes. For further information, please consult the religious education handbook on the faith formation tab of this website. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at (570) 342-4881.